A World of Ups and Downs

Life seems to come to a head every few years, but it’s part of the ride. The structure of modern western society (technology, culture, institutions) conflicts with my inner being. It always has. Yet, I participate in its constructs for survival and hopes of meaningful social interaction with the human condition. I choose to write about some of these insights and experiences, because writing has always been my one true constant.

Writing, music, and the wonders of nature are my inner peace.

All writings are original works and images used are creative common licensed.




Wellness • Poetry • Life

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Let Your Eyes Do The Talking...

"Ananya, The Verbal Seduction."

Never forget to step in their shoes.

O at the Edges

Musings on poetry, language, perception, numbers, food, and anything else that slips through the cracks.

Aamir Aqeil Azfer

Writer with endless thoughts and emotions.

404: No Error Found

Because you've found me ;)

Little Fears

Tales of humour, whimsy and courgettes


all the content

Food for Poetryy

eat, sip, travel, click, pen down poetry = Helps best reflect on life !

Frank Solanki

If you want to be a hero well just follow me


Smile! You’re at the best WordPress.com site ever


convoluted musings